DJ Gig/Event Rate Estimator

DJ Ave. Rate/Experience($30 to $300 hour)
Your DJ Set Length(1 to 6 hours)
Total DJ's in Lineup (1 to 15 DJ's')
Your Position in lineup (1st to Last/Headliner)
Maximum Viewers at Bar/Stage(50-5,000)
Admission Cost ($0(free) to $100 per person)
Hourly Rate
Gig Total

DJ Gig/Event Rate Estimator is an estimate for all event and gig DJ's' (NOT RADIO DJ’s). The rates are based on experience (Ave Rate) and your place in a line up (1st to headliner) if more than one DJ is performing. There is a discount calculated for more than 1 hour (6 hours Max). Also, there is an attempts to adjust the rate based on your venue's' cover charge or ticket price (if any). Since there are many variables, it may be vastly different from your personal experience. Please let us know your experience so we can improve our accuracy!